Motivation really enhances basic productivity, changes the employees’ attitude to work and increases the profitability of the company. We advise you the ways to…
How to create optimal company structure
Every businessman sooner or later grows out of the format of “working alone” and moves to a new category – “company”. And he immediately faces…
How to increase your authority among the subordinates?
As a well-know great person said, all the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players. And one man in his…
How to motivate yourself?
Work is hard. Work for the salary is easier. Work for the salary only is boring, monotonous work – also boring. And what about us? Creating features…
Stephen Covey 7 Habits: Outline
Stephen Covey’s book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” is one of the most valuable in our corporate library. We advise it all…
Conditions affecting the effectiveness of working groups
Working groups are an effective tool for solving problems that require coordinated actions of employees of different departments. However, in order to fully realize…
Writing a business plan (Part 2)
Writing a business plan is the first step of every beginning entrepreneur in the field of innovation, economic, commercial, or investment activities. In the…
Writing a business plan (Part 1)
A business plan is a document that describes all aspects of the future enterprise, analyzes all the problems that it may encounter, as well…
Live to work or work to live. Part 10. TM-manifesto: from the tool to the ideology
Let’s remember our previous post Live to work or work to live. Part 9. TM-bacillus: how to convey the idea of time management to…
Live to work or work to live. Part 9. TM-bacillus: how to convey the idea of time management to other people
Let’s see, what our previous post was about. You can check this post to find an answer: Live to work or work to live. Part…
Live to work or work to live. Part 8. Time-consumers: how to find time reserves
You can refresh your memory and remember the theme of our previous post here: Live to work or work to live. Part 7. Information: how to manage…
Live to work or work to live. Part 7. Information: how to manage the creative chaos
You can remember our previous publication here: Live to work or work to live. Part 6. Priorities: how to weed out the superfluous and find…
Live to work or work to live. Part 5. Planning: how to meet deadlines
Check our previous post to find information about Live to work or work to live. Part 4. Workday: how to organize it in a rapidly changing…
Live to work or work to live. Part 4. Workday: how to organize it in a rapidly changing world
Last time we discussed Live to work or work to live. Part 3. Objectives: how to bring dreams to reality. Today, we keep exploring the topic…
Live to work or work to live. Part 3. Objectives: how to bring dreams to reality
Check our previous post to stay informed: Live to work or work to live. Part 2. Motivation: how to deal with unpleasant tasks. We all…