Health Emergency App

Project's Description

Read on to find out how the expertise and experience of Itexus team has led to the creation of a life-saving emergency app.

Developed By

This project was developed by Itexus

It was also a non-trivial task to find a solution that would make it possible to immediately contact the registered Responders when calling for help. The Itexus team was able to find and implement a solution that satisfies all the requirements, including legal ones, using the Programmable Voice Service Twillio.

To ensure time and budget constraints, the admin panel was implemented in React admin. This Framework is open-sourced and maintained by marmelab and will allow reducing time efforts for development in comparison with a custom solution.

One of the core features is the possibility to interact with the customer’s legal consultants, since the health emergency app works with personal and medical data, therefore, an important task was to ensure that the functionality meets the GDPR and HIPAA standards.

The implemented solution among other features empowers users to:

Register as a user (Victim) or as a member able to provide emergency assistance (Responder);
Send help signal to not only local official medical services, but also to the nearest accredited users with the necessary skills to provide assistance (Responders);
To track the location of the First Responders on the way online;
To leave feedback for the Responder and rate it;
Simulate the emergency case for the Responders to get comfortable with the application and safely try out the main functionality
Provide the Responder with the shortest route to the victim, AED stations along the way, and rescue instructions;
Support users with necessary common info (Hospitals and AED stations nearby, instructions for different emergency cases, statistics and news feed.