It’s a common concern of all SaaS product creators to convert signups into paying clients. In order to reach this particular goal, you should be aware of latest trends, concepts and practices for it. Today we suggest you to get acquainted with an awesome project – Churn University – a resource for people building SaaS businesses.

The creators say that they wanted “to create a resource that helps categorize and curate these articles, podcasts, tweets and videos.” They also ask users to share their ideas and insights with them, if there are any. So, it’s a great opportunity to learn something new from experts and be useful to other people at the same time.

At the moment, there are 19 sections which describe each aspect in a very detailed way.



Have a quick look at some of them:

  1. Basic SaaS Metrics – gives a deep understanding of the key metrics. 
  2. Calculating Churn – helps to calculate churn easily. Although some may encounter difficulties during the process, the article explains all the tricky moments and calculating pitfalls. What’s more, there’s a Churn Calculator available.
  3. What Causes Churn – lists the main factors why clients leave, describes client types and how to deal with them. You’ll find the following subsections there:
    wrong signups – provides tips to understand whether you get the right signups.
    bad onboarding – answers a crucial question how to get a customer started with your product.
    lack of supportLen Markidan of GrooveHQ explains how to provide correct support.
    marketing issues – helps to find out whether your marketing attracts wrong people and offers some tools to help convert traffic.
    billing invalid Richard Felix of Stunning tells how to avoid common billing mistakes.
    product issues – helps to understand the reasons why your product failed a customer.
    too busy – answers the question what to do if signups are too busy to use your product.
    undecided buyer – offers ways to deal with an “undecided buyer” issue. 
  4. Reducing Churn – displays the common reasons for churn and how to decrease them.
    churn tools – provides tools to quickly reduce churn.
    lifecycle emails – offers the list of the best lifecycle emails for you to study.
    the ideal customer Emils Veveris, an optimization consultant, suggests to ask yourself some essential questions to figure out your ideal customer.
    getting information – and again it’s an article by Emils Veveris on user interviews and now he tells what questions to ask your customers at each stage. He also offers some tools to realize the idea and incentives to get people interested in giving you the necessary information.
    using LessChurn – gives variants how to keep clients and combat some cancellations according to quit reasons.

Become a student of Churn University, implement the trends and practices you learn there in order to build a successful SaaS business.