Delivering a global online field-reporting platform

Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church (CSPC) is an American based organisation that provides financial support in the form of sponsorship to missionaries who do voluntary work in various organisations across the world. CSPC needed a common reporting system for the missionaries that would result in a consistent level of accountability of finances and outcomes.

The solution

Saratoga believed the best way to enable this global community with a reporting system was to build a custom-made platform, making use of cloud and web service infrastructures allowing CSPC users to create, modify and submit project updates through a secure web access portal at any given time.
The results

– Progress reports are now automatically stored in a data warehouse that is available for user query and reporting.

– The platform allows for pre-loaded questionnaires to users, enabling sponsors to study missionary activity, behaviour, interests and concerns.

– Better controls in terms of access to data and communication to users in the field.

– Centralised online tool, positioned for reporting activities across the user network reducing the risk of overdue statistics and incorrect financial projections.

– The platform streamlined the productivity of the reporting process and personnel, reducing operational costs.

Work added: 26.10.20
