Automation of mystery shopping platform of RedQuanta

RedQuanta is a global business transformation firm that helps consumer-centric brands run mystery audits to evaluate customer experience of their products & services. These audits have different goals such as finding the inconsistency between the expected and actual customer experiences, identifying integrity gaps, identifying the expectations of a specific customer segment, etc.

ReQuanta had an online survey platform where customers manage their mystery audits, mystery shoppers provide feedback and reviewers validate these feedback and generate customer's reports. On this platform, administrators used to manually set mystery audits questionnaire for customers, assign feedback of shoppers to reviewers and assign mystery shopping assignments to shoppers.

The main goal of the RedQuanta was to automate all these tasks of administrators.


After understanding the client’s requirements, we developed the following solutions:

A module was added to the RedQuanta platform for the clients to add and manage custom questionnaire for their mystery audits.

An algorithm was designed and integrated into the platform to distribute shoppers feedback reports to reviewers based on customizable criteria.

An algorithm was designed and integrated into the platform to distribute shopping assignment to shoppers based on customizable criteria.

Work added: 29.09.20
