Visualisation dashboard for Hydroponics Farm- Agriculture


● Indoor, climate-controlled, urban farms with vertical stacks of plants

● Sensors based plant health monitoring and feedback in real-time

● Sources: Sensors and actuators for humidity, temperature, CO2, water level, nutrients,

lights and cameras

● Automated ticket generation based on sensor thresholds

● Real-time visualization of sensor data

● Machine learning: Derive optimum recipes for different plant types based on the feedback loop

Big Data Analytics Stack

● Airflow, Argo
● Sqoop, Kafka, Spark
● HDFS, Minio, SeaweedFS
● Hive
● Mongodb, Cassandra, Aerospike, ElasticSearch, PrestoDB, Druid
● Kubernetes, Docker
● Superset, Metabase
● PowerBI, Tableau

Machine Learning

● Descriptive and Predictive analysis of structured data - Risk analysis, Fraud detection,
Security incident detection
● Computer vision - Object detection based signature detection in scanned documents.
Image-based document classification and extraction, License-plate detection
● NLP - Named entity recognition, Sequence to Sequence modelling, Sentiment analysis,
Text-based classification

Technology Stack

● TensorFlow, KubeFlow, PyTorch, AutoML, MLlib, Dask, Cloud ML, BERT
● Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Linode, Paperspace

Work added: 02.10.20
