Roo allows freelance veterinarians to connect with hospitals through an easy & accessible web application. Their platform enables hospitals to fulfill short-term personnel needs, and allows veterinarians to work at a schedule that meets their needs. The Roo team observed a market need for an easier way for vets to connect to hospitals.
We helped them create a platform for a growing community of professionals in the industry.
**Services Provided**
Product Branding, User Testing, Visual Design, UX/UI Design, Project management, Full-Stack Engineering, hosting setup and Development Operations.
In the first few months of its launch, Roo was able to generate hundreds of relief shift bookings, with thousands posted, in their first market, Texas. Based on the learnings and success of the pilot in Texas, Roo has expanded to multiple states across the US in their next phase while raising a seed round of funding of approximately $5M.